Saturday, September 14, 2013

Game Day: Formula D

Today, WVU played Georgia State! Honestly, though, I only know that it was game day because I saw tons of gold and blue and did a quick google search.

I don't care about football games, but I am fond of board games. So, I bring you my first game day post, featuring Formula D! I bought the game on recommendation from my boyfriend, having watched it on Wil Wheaton's Tabletop webshow. We reeaally thought my roommate would enjoy it. Tonight was the first time we played! Given this, we played the beginner version but we're really excited to try to full game soon. Here's the rundown.

You move your race car by rolling dice, determined by which gear you are in. Higher gears roll bigger dice, so your little car moves faster along the track. We were all neck and neck when this was taken. :) I actually had to slam my brakes to avoid hitting them!

When you don't slow down enough for turns, get too close to other cars, and various other dangerous actions, you have the potential to take damage to your car. Of course, being too cautious means you risk second or third place! Or, as my boyfriend said, "first loser and second loser."

We all got a little risky at the end. My handsome man gained a huge lead and finished a couple turns ahead of us by being a bit riskier a bit earlier. I pulled ahead of my roomie juuuust in time to eek out a second place finish, but with the most damage. Ouch!

It was a fun game, and one I'm glad to have added to my growing collection. Has anyone else tried this one? Have any recommendations for board games? Let me know in the comments!


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