I dabble in a variety of interests. I love crafting, especially jewelry. I love reading and my poison of choice is fantasy. I love games - board games, video games, card games - but rarely find the time to play. I run occasionally, and have interest in a healthy lifestyle that is often unfulfilled due to my love for junk and my busy lifestyle. (I work a lot.) I love watching shows when time permits - some of my favorites are Doctor Who, Pretty Little Liars, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Game of Thrones.
I have an amazing boyfriend, fantastic friends, and a brilliant creative family, all of whom I love very much.
I would love to talk about crafting, shows, books, societal issues, food, and fitness - so I will! That's why I have this blog! I hope you enjoy getting to know me, and I would love to know you as well. Get in contact with me! Comment on my posts!
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